The Club has been engaged in various Sports and Socio-Cultural activities. These are:

  • Infrastructure of the Club: Complete construction of a beautiful three-storied Office Building of the Club having all necessary amenities on a piece of land measuring 2 Katha on the bank of river Kaldiya at Patacharkuchi. In honour of the music-maestro and legendary figure of Assam Bharat Ratna Bhupen Hazarika, the building is named as ‘Bhupen Hazarika Bhawan’. On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Club, the newly constructed gate ‘Bishnu-JyotiToron’ is named after the legendary figures Bishnu Prasad Rabha and Jyoti Prasad Agarawala, which is constructed with the contribution of the members of the Club.
  • Staging of Dramas:Staging of full-length Dramas, Children Dramas and One-Act Plays
  • Competition: Pragjyoti Cup Cricket Competition, Mohan Ch.Kalita and PareshHaloi Memorial Football Competition, Bajali District ‘B’ Division Football League Competition,Mantu Kr. SarmaAll Assam Pragjyoti One-Act Play Competition, Rural Indigenous Games & Sports Competition, Rabha Sangit, Jyoti Sangit, Parbati Prasad Baruah Sangit, Goalparia Loka Sangit and Bhuendra Sangit Competitions, Solo Moder Dnce Cometition, Recitation Competition, Painting Competitions.
  • Workshop cum Training: Drama Workshop for Children and Teenagers, Football Training Camp, Cricket Training Camp, Karate Training Camp, Awareness Programme of Computer Literacy for the rural senior citizens.
  • Achievements: Participation in many Dramas, Cricket and Football Competitions and getting the honour of Best Team.
  • Books and Souvenir Publication: Publication of a good number of Books, Souvenirs and Annual Leaflets.
  • Celebration of various Divas: Observation of the Establishment day,Conference and Special Conference of the Club, Observation of the Rabha Divas, Death anniversary of Bhupen Hazarika, Silpi Divas, Republic Day, Independence Day, Abhiruchi Sports Day, World Health Day, World Hand Washing Day, World Environment Day, Wildlife Day,Postering and leaflet distribution relating to various issues,Felicitation Programmes for meritorious students and specially talented persons, Plantation Programmes, Cleanliness Programmes, Free Blood Group and Sugar Test Camp, Lecture Programmes, Various Meetings, Cultural Nights.
  • Assisting financial aid essential commodities: Providing financial assistance to the economically backward students, differently abled persons and the people giving extensive services to a particular field of the society, Financial assistance to needy persons under Pragjyoti SahajyaNidhi of the Club.
  • Financial aid to numerous organizations: It is worth mentioning that donation to various organizations have been made for their development, construction, financial assistance to festive bodies, paying electricity bill for the street lights of the Patacharkuchi Market area under Bahumukhi Achoni Rupayan scheme of the club.
  • Special aids in people’s service:
    • Construction of Drinking Water Centre at the Patacharkuchi Shiva-Durga Dham,
    • Construction of main shed of Patacharkuchi Durga Mandir,
    • Construction of Sariha Chakla Kabarsthan (Graveyard) Road under Bahumukhi Achoni Rupayan scheme of the club
    • Projects under government subsidies: The Club has completed various projects so far. For example-
      N.E.A.C. Programmes under the aegis of the Assam Science Society, sponsored by the Environment and Forest Ministry of Indian Govt.
    • C.D.A.and G.H.D. Programme under the aegis of the N.E.D.S.F., sponsored bythe UNICEF.
    • V.H.S.C. and R.C.H.Programmes under the aegis of the Manab Shakti Jagaran., sponsored bythe N.R.H.M.
    • Resource Person Training Programme under the aegis of the N.E.S.F.Y.M., sponsored by the Census Dept. of Indian Govt.
    • T.S.C. / Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Programme under the aegis of the P.H.E.
  • Celebration of the Silver Jubilee: In 2014, the silver jubilee of Pragjyoti Club was celebrated.
  • Club Theme song recording: Recording of the Theme Song of the Club, Sung and music composed by National Award Winning Singer TaraliSarma.
  • Programs within club members: The Club Organised Friendly Cricket Matches, Friendly Football Matches, Extempore Speech Competitions, Lecture Competitions, Travel Programme, Intimate Conversation among The Ex.and Present Members, Etc. for the Mental and Intellectual Development of the Club Members.
  • Assistance arrangements: Organizing the Magh Bihu Gift Coupon Lottery, Inviting Mobile Theatre Group.
  • Utilization of the club building: The Meeting Hall of the Club (Bhupen Hazarika Bhawan) is Being Used for Public Purposes Conducting Various Meetings and Programmes by Different Organisations and Society. Moreover, a few Rooms of the club are also Being Used as Various Govt. and Non-Govt. Offices.